WiTbD - What is To be Done
A Program For The 21st Century
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Main Content
Current Articles
Topic areas
Culture, Secularism and Religion
- Work and the family
- Community, diversity and liberalism
- Nationalism
- Fundamentalism
- Effect of moral codes on the law
- Cultural values and capitalism
- Welfare capitalism and measurements of quality of life
Economic Regulation
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Primary education
- Primary education in the developing world
- Education and equality
- Alternative education
- Developing and assessing alternative education models
- Political education in democracies
- Religious Education
- Domestic violence
- Women’s rights
- Women’s Rights
- Equality of opportunity
- Equality of participation in higher education, media & politics
- Control of resources
- Abortion
- Centralization of government
- Conflicts between centralization of government and civil liberties
- Resolving the conflict between participatory democracy and the technocratic structure of government necessitated by technical complexity of modern issues
- International justice system
- Addressing the possible need for a functioning international justice system, with particular regard to war crimes
- Global human rights
- Establishing personal legal rights independent of race, sex or sexual orientation
- The role of a religious code on a nation’s legal framework
- Democracies, diversity and representation
- Developing of constitutional frameworks which can apply to nested nations and diverse nations
- Developing an understanding of democratic representation and voting systems
- Punishment and imprisonment
- Security and civil liberty
- International crime
- Eliminating criminal drug trafficking
- Drug addiction
- Developing reliable treatments for drug addiction
- Sanitation
- Healthcare provision
- Maternal health
- Mental health
Information Science, Maths & Computing
Natural Resources and Biodiversity
- Food provision and distribution
- Renewable energy
- Externalities
- International measurement and accounting system for externalities particularly those relating to pollution
- International co-operation on environmental issues
- Climate change
- UK challenges to address climate change
- Water
- Oil
- Biodiversity
- Agriculture and biodiversity
Population, Migration and Housing
- Population growth
- Controlling regional disparities in population growth
- Age profile of modern societies
- Provision for the elderly
- Urban planning
- Migration
- Immigration into Europe
Science, Space and Biotechnology
- Commerce and science
- Commercial Involvement In Scientific Research
- Agricultural science
- Genetically modified crops
- Soil science and biodiversity
- Alternative science
- Cognitive science
- Intellectual property rights
- Property rights in genetics
- Property rights in software
- Urban mass transit systems
- Non-petroleum transport
War, Peace and Global Intergovernance
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