Knowledge Dissemination and Scholarly Communication: What is To be Done?

* Rufus Pollock
* 2004-03-12

Goal List

  1. Open access repositories should be developed at all higher education institutions such as universities and research institutes. All research produced should be deposited in these repositories and made freely available to all over the internet. Explicit targets are:

    1. In the developed world: 75% participation by HE institutions by 2010, rising to 90% by 2015. All scholarly output at participating institutions deposited by 2015-2020.
    2. In the developing world: 75% participation by HE institutions by 2025, rising to 90% by 2035. All scholarly output at participating institutions deposited by 2025-30.
  2. Movement of all peer-reviewed journals to open access or member-driven-society based system by 2015.
  3. As a consequence cut journal acquisition costs by 50% by 2015. With further reductions to follow.
  4. Academics and researchers who are the creators of the knowledge should preferentially submit articles to open access journals and avoid submitting to journals owned by commercial publishers (particularly large multinational commercial publishers). Similarly they should act as reviewers and managing editors preferentially for open access journals and not for commercial journals.

Bibliography and References

  1. [www_createchange_org]
    2. summary article

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